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tv   Headline News  RT  November 1, 2013 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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with. global radicals. as the. war on terror. israel. syria again reports which. they. keep you. i guess for the telly and. the poor clashing with police in the streets of rome at least six people. also here. from.
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space to prison to. many of the. worldwide news. thank you for sharing your friday with us today this year is on course to become a year of terror in history it's set to beat even two thousand and twelve fifteen thousand votes were the most savage terror groups all aligned with al qaeda twelve years after america global crusade against it. in
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a church account has the story. terrorist attacks have more thing since two thousand and one when the u.s. began its war on terror the number of attacks and fatalities has reached a record high the national consortium for the study of terrorism and responses to terrorism estimates last year alone there were more than eight thousand five hundred terrorist attacks worldwide they killed more than fifteen thousand five hundred people across africa asia and the middle east you walk faces an incredible surge of violence this year they recorded six thousand civilian deaths here is how terrorists skyrocketed in iraq following the u.s. invasion in two thousand and three. the iraqi prime minister is here in washington he just said his nation is facing quote a war of genocide and that the revolutions in the region have made it worse. what is a power vacuum is created another terrorist organizations were able to exploit its and gaining ground they benefited from the fall of states structures terrorists now
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flocked to syria for safe haven and the firth of syria is from a deal between the opposition and the government the closer it is to becoming the failed state where al qaeda and groups similar to al qaeda rule the day so as all these countries iraq syria libya face growing terror washington says they decimated al qaeda leadership and al qaeda is not as dangerous as before as a result of the enormous pressure we've put on the group we've eliminated all of al qaeda senior leadership in afghanistan and pakistan and because the current leaders about leaders of al qaeda core so worried about their personal safety they're far less able to plan attacks but the words don't match his numbers if anything during the years of washington's war on terror terror only grew in washington i'm going to go. far as. the director of the future terrorism project he
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says bullets alone won't solve the terror of the world must fight its ideological roots the growth of the hardest production meaning many ideological schools indoctrinating radicalizing and creating a much wider demography of the harvest and then you have another structure that is al qaida or a variety of other jihadist groups and in many countries who are recruiting so the pool is getting larger problem is that over the past few years the administration policy makers in the united states are not acknowledging the fact that behind that in addition to political issues that are diverse around the world there is one common root which is the ideology so if you don't identify the ideology if you don't work with civil society if you don't work with moderates in the arab and muslim world and in other regions as well if you don't have a plan for that in addition to just sending drones and military operations we're
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not going to be able to stop recruitment to al qaida and others. are all due in part to a surge in radicalism in africa the number killed globally in terrorist attacks doubled between two thousand and eleven and two thousand and twelve iraq war veteran michael prysner believes the first step to stopping all of this is simply shutting down the drone campaigns. the first thing that would go on a really long way to changing the situation is closing down all of the u.s. military bases that are in over one hundred thirty countries around the world many of them muslim countries with ending the regular drone strikes that take place on these countries and of course kind of a daily terrorism and acted by the united states against other countries through drones you know that there's this term that they use to justify all of this is termed american exceptionalism which of course is an offensive term to many people but it's real meaning is that the exception is that the u.s. considers itself having the right to tax anybody in the world at any time to kill
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anybody in the world at any time to torture anybody in the world and any time to arrest anybody in the world at any time that to spy on anyone in the world and that is that their definition of american exceptionalism which is driving this policy. and veteran american filmmaker all of us stone he's the guest in today's breaking the set with abby martin it's where he tells us about washington's military machine and how lawmakers got away and continued to get away with setting up a surveillance empire. we put up the system where we were looking for terrorists right there what two thousand three thousand i don't know it's a small vial of people but people would now have the right to look at the entire haystack for the needle we get was so the result is it's like hitler would hitler god use a lot of it got a lot of his power from the people because he was wailing about terrorists is germany always they talk about terrorists that's just
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a first. it's always the first method in george orwell's ninety four it's always about terrorists even in the car thielemann nut cases drove a car of the terrorists communists planted in our schools and our government so who's creates this fear that in american people. our thanks for joining us here on r.t. today the israeli military is refusing to confirm or deny reports that its warplanes have yet again breached syria's sovereignty embalmed of multiple targets there according to u.s. media reports citing a white house official the israeli air force attacked a military base storing a missile arsenal apparently destined for the lebanese group hezbollah the incident happened near syria's port city of latakia and it's not the first time though that israel has been blamed for blatantly ignoring international laws by launching air strikes in the state a similar attacks which the israeli leadership refused to confirm took place in
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january may and july this year lawrence freeman from the executive intelligence review explained why tell of we keeps on getting away with it. you do not have the right to it another sovereign nation and israel has done that and if we had a functioning government according to war. in the korean war this would be condemned and israel would be reprimanded and force would behave like a sovereign nation. but everybody knows they did it and that's the way they operate. and should not. and the only reason it is accepted because the president united states obama allows you to occur or why as you could not occur. meanwhile syria has met the first deadline in an ambitious plan to get rid of its toxic arsenal by the middle of next
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year a mission of international kept inspectors has said that all declared chemical arms production and mixing facilities have now been destroyed and as aussies policy now reports from the capital damascus it was a very difficult and dangerous task certainly under the circumstances of war. dangerous and dirty that's how the nobel prize committee described the work of chemical weapons inspectors inside syria not to mention a brutally tight deadline october twenty five damascus provides a detailed plan of its chemical weapons stockpiles done october twenty seven foreign inspectors visited all declared sites missed and by today syria finishes destroying all equipment used in the production and mixing of poison gas and nerve agents done yesterday we should eliminate. whatever we can but you know this is a very complicated process complications filled by so called security concerns and
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that's the reason why one deadline already has been missed one of the biggest problems the team faces is how to access sites in rebel controlled areas so far the rebels have been unwilling to cooperate foreign inspectors have managed to visit twenty one of twenty three sites and although they haven't verbally blamed the rebels damascus insists it's doing its share until now. those. sites being visited are under government control and we hope those who are controlling the. group still them to implement what they are expected to implement it's the most difficult mission if undertaken by the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons destroying a country's chemical weapons stockpile in the midst of a civil war two women are syria actually stop producing chemical weapons in one thousand nine hundred eight as a possessed alternatives that can be a strategic substitution and are not in conflict with international law but none of
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this answers the reason why foreign inspectors are in damascus in the first place a chemical attack on august twenty first in which hundreds of people were killed off two rockets with sarin gas were fired at damascus as suburbs those responsible are still at large sister agnes mariam de la cruz has spent months investigating videos. posted online of children purportedly killed in that attack she's convinced the videos women depleted demand means that you have a buddy. die many days before the event and they've. is a victim of the chemical attack the next deadline in the destruction of syria's chemical weapons program is the middle of next year by then damascus must have destroyed removed its entire stockpile and ambitious timeline in very difficult circumstances. damascus. and the destruction of the chemical equipment means the
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country can no longer produce new toxic weapons but it still has to get rid of more than a thousand tons of chemicals that already exist here at all to you we spoke to middle east analyst short of money not a one day she believes the syrian government will actually be greatly relieved when all of its chemical weapons are destroyed there is evidence that rebels have some their hands on some chemical weapons we've certainly seen in iraq and turkey rebels being apprehended with chemical agents components of chemical weapons in their possession. really important point and this is something i heard from a syrian government official earlier this year the syrian government has for some time now viewed chemical weapons as a liability and a burden precisely for these reasons because potentially rebels could get their hands on small amounts of these chemical agents and use them across the border in israel or turkey to then justify a military attack against the syrian government so they have been quite pleased
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that the international community has come together to in fact to rid them of these weapons so that excuse no longer exists. thanks for joining us here on r.t. the best line of defense it's a good offer and that is the tactic that could be adopted by edward snowden the whistleblower might get the chance to testify against the n.s.a. and its spying scandal with angela merkel that story just ahead for you. as the story of a search for greener pastures that's. the european financial crisis hits hard the migrants in italy leaving thousands out in the streets without a job and without a roof over their heads. now it's a britain where sometimes being too good at committing crimes can actually secure your future especially if you are a hacker and so after it was revealed in the newly formed a u.k. cyber defense units looking for reinforcements from the ranks of its convicted enemies smith reports. the life and times of
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a haka in britain from cruising through cyberspace to banged up in prison to what can for the government as details of the u.k.'s proposed defense. officials admit that considering hiring convicts it's just the you know the implication is right that in black and white that it's ok for governments to have people but if people had governments it's a cry must. convey to depok he paid the price and is now studying computer science soon he'll be looking for a job but he will be looking to the government think it's it's quite. for two. years because other people would still. be state sponsored. i think they should be trying to confuse computers security for everyone trying to help governments to keep breaching the books which presumably was based on
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intelligence from m i six and the plan is to get the h.q. the communications agency to help train up the. volume of the revelations that you know. within. the british citizens it doesn't exactly have the best reputation at the moment but maybe the woods national security have become tons about just. given all the. stories you have every year it's quite difficult to buy into just. national security especially when national security seems to be so often infringe on basic civil liberties experts say even the name is a misnomer. it's a cyber war as well just be the defense that will have attack capabilities to. strike on any foreign power perceived as a threat if the future of walls is in cyberspace.
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still cooking just taking a government salary for it. staying with britain for the meantime. we were following comment on the game there was a plan. in there nobody wanted to do anything a whistleblower tells all see just how alone and she now feels after lifting the lid on widespread abuse at the nursing home where she was that's one of the many stories still ahead for you here on our. recent week for you when we poured an investigation by human rights groups make it
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abundantly clear obama's drone policies may constitute war crimes under international law the white house dismisses these claims it would appear washington reserves the exceptional right to murder with impunity. more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations rule the day. live from moscow it's on t. lots of news for you today let's start with rome for now where six people including four police officers were injured during a street protest hundreds turned out for
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a rally to demand better social housing conditions police used tear gas in response to eggs bottles and smoke bombs being lobbed at them a journalist though he was at the protest he says the people are desperate to be heard and seem to think that violence is the only option what i saw is that there were some people. who came to the demonstration with the helmets. so i think their intention was to start to fight with the police and to have a peaceful protest the police and the situation i read there only was these small bombs but only because they are being. very symbolic. right now. the government isn't really much caring about it because they think they have bigger issues like the government itself. and
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you can read a report from the midst of the armrest in rome via our website all the details on the latest photos there for you right now. for the meantime on the program housing problems may have driven hundreds of italians on to the streets in protest for thousands of migrants in the country the street is the only home they have and even the lucky few who are provided with accommodation often regret they have moved to italy in the first place you go to his going off went to meet some of them. some call it a city within a city others a refugee ghetto it's like we're still in africa refugees from four african countries over twelve hundred people all crammed inside a former university building in rome now known as dallas. meeting. so we may get a better life here but not weren't allowed to film inside the rooms but dr treating the refugees agreed to describe the conditions they with. their thirty five tabs
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and thirty five showers and eighty percent of them need to be repaired for the beds are all seen in very bad condition actually a lot of people sleep in the car stomach flu is a serious problem as well the biggest issue is depression out of the thousands of refugees have been flocking to italy mainly across the mediterranean in search of a better life but the country's only economic problems including the worst recession since the second world war provide very little opportunity at the same time. obliges all refugees to stay in the country where they receive asylum those who manage to avoid which stray shouldn't go further north as illegals but those who don't want local shelters are running out of space for all the newcomers without a job or even a place to sleep where do you go for the majority it's the train stations the meeting point for possible work or some cash during the day and makeshift shelter
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at night which is on a bit of let me space so on sometimes immigrants from different countries fight each other like the old man eons ago and those from bangladesh for example don't want this area they make it out there there are a lot of them here and in other areas nationalities at first they came from some countries now also from eastern ones the whole region is full of immigrants. or polish or a dizzying gadget and very strong activity but live well also you. the. u.s. would be given additional. scrutiny to build new shoulders for the refugees. to flow. together. or to. plenty more on our website r.t. dot com including right now an explosive announcement as pentagon officials say they'll need billions of dollars to keep america's nuclear arsenal up to date and
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out of danger. dressed to impress the world's most beautiful women national. charity auction right here in moscow those details on the pitch dot com. good to have you with us here on our to today i'm in moscow and while the u.s. justice system may well be after edward snowden the former n.s.a. contractor might very well be the first to make a legal strike through
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a german inquiry is ready to testify in the investigation into the alleged spying on chancellor merkel and this came out there was a blow up met with hans christian strobel a well known german lawmaker on thursday here in moscow just last week merkel personally called obama for explanations after reports suggested her private phone had been tapped officially washington claimed the surveillance was not presently taking place but didn't make any comment if indeed the n.s.a. had been snooping on the german leader before an investigative journalist dave lindorff told us that snowden's possible testimony would put german authorities in a very awkward position. to some extent the german government is complicit in this and so you know to the ex if they were to try to. expose it the wind up exposing their own culpability if people are furious at. miracle now that she was not upset when it was revealed that the n.s.a.
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was spying on german people but she's really upset which it's playing on earth so she's been trying to tricky area and it's going to be are now to canada we go where human rights activists are calling for the arrest of former u.s. vice president dick cheney who's currently visiting toronto they're accusing him of war crimes and overseeing torture programs in iraq afghanistan and secret cia locations all over the world as party to a un convention against torture canada is obliged to investigate known instances and prosecute those found guilty. hundreds took to the streets of rio de janeiro protesting against recent crackdown on demonstrators at mass rallies activists claim police have used violent tactics and resorted to mass arrests and detentions are reportedly now made under a new law passed to counter organized crime brazil has recently been plagued by
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large scale protests over the government. the highly sophisticated drug smuggling tunnel connecting san diego to mexico has been discovered by u.s. authorities more than eight tons of marijuana and almost one hundred fifty kilograms of cocaine were seized the tunnel was said to have been built by one of mexico's most notorious cartels and since two thousand and eight actually more than seventy five tunnels have been found crossing that border. now taking good care of senior citizens is the main duty of nursing homes but one south of london has fallen far short of the goal its manager was found responsible for overseeing quote institutionalized abuse leading to the death of five pensioners and it's all to test your australia now reports there are fears that a culture of abuse could be widespread we're here with west sussex right in front of a care what we know up until two years ago it was operated by a private group called southern cross it was called the orchid view care home and
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we did this a quiet part of west sussex it was the center of much controversy when in two thousand and eleven it was shut down after we had violated eight essential guidelines of the care quality commission or seek you see a recent quarters report and also found that there was institutionalized abuse throughout the whole over here and also with the coroner ruled that the galectin led to the deaths of five elderly people there were instances of wrong dose of medicine given to residents or calls the need more than generally just a low standard of care be given but none of these would have come to light if not for the decision of one of their staff to blow the whistle on what was going on inside it was a very tough decision i didn't come home and do it lightly is the wrong thing to do and they all ring the place and you know i thought by the end i just thought i couldn't going to work every day. you know we were saying time and time again there was a pauper. you know nobody wanted to do anything lisa martin was working as
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if this is administrative manager would always give you she lifted the lid of what was going on did there actually lead to an inquest of eventual closure of the home she was later made redundant that's something she didn't expect and she's been looking for a job since how do you survive right because. i cranked up say this and my father is paying my mortgage and my children. are you happy about the fact that what you did is leading to some sort of change in the entire industry yeah of course yeah yeah i think it needs to be tightened up. i think you know and i think there needs to be a you know some something for whistle if you do that you know here is your support network not thank you very much you know you get on with it now the chief of the social care services are already laid out to set new guidelines to would spec monitor and regulate care homes and a public consultation is expected to take place sometime in the spring twenty
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fourteen but it may be a tough battle as lisa martin pointed out but what she knew back then and blew the whistle on was just the tip of the iceberg and that it may take more whistleblowers to reveal the extent of the problems. reporting or it up next here on the program our debate show cross talk at zero in on us drone strikes in pakistan come maybe justified the discussion he's next. wealthy british scientists time to. market. scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for
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a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our. language but i will only react to situations i have read the reports to the players and know i will leave them to the state department to comment on your latter point of the month to say it's. a car is on the docket now if i. say no more weasel words. when you have a direct question be prepared for a chase when you throw a punch be ready for a. critical speech and down to freedom to cost.


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